Part 39: Inexorable Death - Battle
Chapter 17: Inexorable Death Battle
Promotion Time
Frederick gets a shiny new Master Seal that he should've gotten like 4 chapters ago.
Griffin Rider doesn't help what was once a formidable defense, but Fred's speed is up to par for the story chapters now.
Tharja is proof that you voters are messing with me. Well sorry to disappoint, but I gave her a Skill Tonic
This is a Kill Commander map, so a lot of the events that happen in this mission can be skipped over completely. We're not going to do that, mainly for EXP and a specific treasure not able to be gained anywhere else.
The Fortify Staff is a little annoying to deal with, as it heals everyone within mag/2 radius (So 12 in this case) for a huge amount.
Perhaps they expect a woman's garrison to be a softer target...
Heh, when I'm through, they'll wish they'd challenged Yen'fay instead. Battle stations!
Cynthia is going to hang out with Papa Freddy and sit in the safe zone.
Donny once again teams up with Nowi and attacks a War Monk from distance.
Gregor rides with Cherche and then switches to the lead to take out the
Ohhhh. I see.
Chrom partners with his son in hopes of drawing out one of the units to not attack Gregor.
It's a Ylissean family picnic!
Of death and destruction.
And the blood. Can't forget about the blood. The Valkyrie drops a Mend staff.
Oh yeah, then I Rescued Chrom for some reason.
Owain quenches for more.
It's debatable where he got it from.
Somewhere in Nowi taking on a squad by herself, Donny Dual Attacked for a level.
Just want to mention that Nowi literally cannot be harmed by any of those enemy units.
Gregor gets a counterkill in before our turn starts again.
Morgan decides to test his mettle with that Steel Sword I keep talking about, getting all fancy and stuff.
The stuff is death. With flowers, because Morgan is considerate.
Robin hangs near the walls to bait out a Sniper above her, while Henry gets some personal time with his son on how to mince a Valmese into pieces.
Glorious speed! And Defense is nice, but speed!
You, on the other hand, have enough speed for two people.
Tharja borrows her errand boy for a bit and drains the life of a War Monk.
Nowi transfers Fred over and blasts an enemy for a good level and a Concoction.
Anna continues her streak of good levels after Rescuing Cynthia by gaining everything but strength and resistance.
Tharja eliminates both starting enemies in the right area, gaining a level.
Maybe Gregor missing caused some sort of glitch that fixed her.
Robin takes out a Sniper before our turn starts.
Nowi sits and waits for the enemies to come with Donny back to supporting her. Morgan gets a Door Key from the Convoy and opens up the middle-right path. Lucy gets in front to counter the middle enemies.
Long story short, Lucy killed a
lotta soldiers.
Bersekers go berserk.
Morgan and Chrom stabs a Valkyrie a lot.
Nowi and her crew continue pushing to the north.
Nowi status: Still invincible.
Cherche whittles down the Hero's health for Cynthia to take over for the glory.
Alright, that's more like it.
Tharja and Nowi continue to play tug-of-war with Donny as he participates in two battle victories.
Robin takes out the Hero since the Thief will open the door for them (and save a Door Key).
Both gain good levels off the kill, though Lucy's much farther ahead than her mother in stats. The Hero drops a Chest Key.
Henry gets Tiki's Tear from an Event Tile to end the turn.
It may be reinforcements. Be wary...
Robin hunts down the Thief, while the rest of the team group in the middle and avoid being close to the 4 stairways on the right.
A couple Valkyries thought they could kill Robin. They paid for their mistake dearly.
Anna gains another level. Nowi and Owain block the main path of the 4 stairways, while Tharja sits in range of the north enemies with Chrom giving her the needed speed to double.
The Resistance had already infiltrated the castle...?
Nay, impossible! Something is amiss...
(Someone teleports in)
Pssst, I think this one is evil.
Please, do give your "friends" your warmest welcome. Just remember your promise...or you can be sure I will remember mine.
Are you certain their reinforcements are from the Resistance?
Aye, sir. I'm ashamed to say I am. I know some of them by name. ...B-but why would they turn cloak against us now?!
Now be good little servants and scrub the stronghold of Ylissean filth.
(Excellus teleports to Pheros)
..."Meddling"? Why, General Pheros, one might almost mistake you for ungrateful. This "meddling" is going to save your post, and quite possibly your life...
We've no need of your parlor tricks here, schemer! I can handle this myself.
Why yes, of course you can, General! I can see you're doing SO well already.
You're obviously just...waiting to crush the Ylisseans? Toying with them, like a cat!
I only brought these rebels so they might learn from your shining example! They were so anxious to join the cause...
Because you threatened them? Tortured them? ...Or perhaps their families? Their villages?
*Ahem* ...I would not wish to burden you with such mundane details, good General. You have more important matters to think after, and to deal with...quickly.
But rest assured they are QUITE motivated. Feel free to thank me some other time!
(Excellus teleports away)
Odious freak... He has no honor. Just the sight of him makes me sick. He is the worm, yet I'm the one left squirming... Bah.
...True, his interference may seal our victory...but he'll never hear me say it.
Tharja chips an attacking War Monk to near death. Chrom gains D rank lances, giving him access to Javelins most importantly.
Owain, Nowi, and Tharja each takes out an enemy unit. Owain then takes out a second unit to gain a level.
Nowi is finishing strong in her final levels, gaining everything but Skill this time.
The usual for Cynthia.
Three more enemies pop up from the two left and middle stairway.
Tharja chips out one enemy while taking out a Sniper afterwards. She picks up his Killer Bow.
Well, so much for that dream....
Lucy counterkills one Valmese before the rest swarm in on our team.
Nowi and Morgan immediately clear two enemies.
Lucy plugs up the upper-left entrance while Owain blocks half of the right-side. Another enemy pops out of the bottom stairway.
Robin Dual Attacks off a kill to gain a pretty good level by her needs.
Tharja gets a productive enemy phase as she chips and kills a few units. Lucy and Gregor also gets some kills before it goes back to us.
More evil smite by...well, deviants.
For someone that has as bad parents in stats as Kjelle, Cynthia is growing much better in comparison.
Donny blows up a unit himself after much spectating. Two more enemy reinforcements arrive from the left stairways.
Batter up!
It's been a while since he's gained magic.
Anna's first bad level in a long while. Reinforcements STILL keep coming.
Get out.
Out, Nowi says!
Goddamnit, they just keep coming.
40% chance of gaining Skill is an overestimate.
Good girl. Now just fix that issue of dying to a stiff breeze.
It's the end?!
The end! No more reinforcements! The rest of the map is Anna running around collecting treasure.
Boots give permanent +2 movement to a unit. The only other pair of boots per game is via 50000 Renown. That's a lot.
One more level for the road before she picks up a Large Bullion and Master Seal.
Nowi gets attacked by the boss, though even with the damage potential and doubling, she'll survive without much trouble.
When Chrom battles Pheros
Then you'd be Prince Chrom... Once, I followed your exalted sister, you know. Made the pilgrimage all the way to Ylisstol, just to hear her speak. I, too, grew up worshipping Naga and the Earth Mother.
...Yet you abandoned your faith.
I have no use for invisible spirits any longer. I serve a god among men now. Emperor Walhart will do what no religion ever couldunite all people.
Your naivete betrays you. Think about it: who willingly follows a tyrant?
Thinking plays no part in it. In words and deeds, a great leader takes hold of the heart, not the mind. I remember your sister possessing that selfsame gift for inspiring others. Doubtless many still cling to the power of her poetry. But I have found a greater voice...
My sister believed we all desire the same thing: peace. If Walhart holds such promise, why must he use violence to unite the people?
Now who is being naive, good Prince? Sometimes those who will not walk must be dragged along or pushed aside. So raise your sword, Chrom of Ylisse, and prepare to be pushed aside.
I may not see Walhart unify all mankind...with my own eyes... But I have seen my dreams... And that is enough...
Pheroes drops a Fortify staff.
(After the battle)
...But I'm afraid our new enemy has the fortress surrounded.
"New enemy"... You mean the rest of the former Resistance?
Aye, sir. Words cannot express my shame. My...regret... Finally, I succeed in uniting them...but only against us.
(A soldier runs in)
Our forces to the north and south have been decimated by Walhart and Yen'fay! What's worse, most of the survivors have turned their coats for the empire!
B-but our troops numbered in the hundreds of thousands!
Didn't you say he had a million troops?
The empire must have had more.
Or perhaps been better trained and equipped...
Blast! Walhart and my brotherwhere are their armies not?
Marching toward this fortress, milady. It's only a matter of time.
So much for fortune favoring the bold. This war was lost before it even began.
All our struggles until now, and we've yet to so much as dent the empire...
What is it, Robin? Do you have something to say?
We need to leave hereright away.
When the other armies arrive, then we'll be trapped for a certainty. If we intend to escape, now is our best chance.
She's right. The dynasts outside betray us only out of fear for the empire. They'll only put up token resistance without their masters watching.
But we can't keep running forever. How do we hope to turn the tide?
By striking at either Walhart or Yen'fay before they join strength.
Either one seems a death sentence.
One general would be upon us before we could finish with the other.
I agree...which is why we attack both.
...I didn't say by half. Chrom would lead our strongest troops against Yen'fay. Meanwhile, a smaller force would attack Walhart.
A SMALLER force? We couldn't defeat him with double our entire number.
Robin's been listening to Kjelle too much.
...I didn't say we'd defeat him. We only need to distract him.
Hmm... Spend some lives to buy the other team time...
This smaller force would face our most dangerous mission yet. It would need a leader of unparalleled skill, reckless bravery...
I'll do it alreadyjust stop with all the compliments!
This is no time for japes, Basilio. The stakes could not be higher.
I am being seriousI'll lead the squad. Though I prefer my steaks well done...
That's just his way, Robin. Bad jokes come with the bravado. But the oaf clearly has faith in your thinking. And I as well... All of us do, I'd wager. Somehow you always find a way to best the odds.
Then it's settled. I'll make preparations and be off. The rest of you stay with Chrom and keep him safe.
Godspeed, Basilio.
Lucina? What are you
I cannot allow you to go, Khan Basilio. You will die in this battle. I know it for truth!
You know, lass, you have a strange way of saying good-bye. All right, then. Who is it? Who kills me? Is it Walhart himself? ...Please say yes. It'd make a poor song to die at the end of some farmer's pitchfork.
...Yes, it was Walhart. Or so goes the story I heard.
We must change our plans so fate cannot take this course!
All I needed to know. Thank you much, lass. ...I'll be careful.
Y-you're still going? But I just told you
Aye, I heard you just fine. But someone still has to stall his division from advancing. If he's the one that kills me, well then, I'll just avoid confronting him. You don't grow this old and handsome without knowing how to avoid trouble.
N-no! It's never that simple.
Don't worry, love, he'll be fine.
He'll have me to keep an eye on him.
I thought you intended to survive this, oaf. Regna Ferox has two khans, and now you're responsible for both. I dare you to die now!
...Har! Aha ha ha! All right, all right. You can come. ...Hope that's all right, Chrom.
Just look after each other.
Ha! I'll bring this big ox back on a leash if it comes to that.
Luck and more be with you all. We'll meet again soon.
But please, your future! You must
"Please," yourself! Not another word.
I fully intend to outlive all you sprogsjust see if I don't.